Leopold Miller Cigar Co.
Leopold Miller Cigar Co.
(1886) (1882) factory 109, 2nd district of Iowa
(1893) factory 84, 4th district of Iowa
Manufactured cigars from 1877 – 1911.
Brands of cigars manufactured: Miller’s Best – 10 cent cigar; Herder and High Tone – 5 cent cigars
Born about 1847
Died 1914
Wife: Mary M. Kunz Miller
(business established in 1877)
1880 Leopold Miller, over 303 E. 3rd (residence same address) – cigar manufacturer
1881 Leopold Miller, 301 E. 3rd St. (residence same address) – cigar manufacturer
1884 – 1888 Leopold Miller, 130 E. 3rd St. – manufacturer of fine cigars
1889 – 1892 Leopold Miller, 108 W. 2nd St. – cigar manufactory
1894 – 1911 Leopold Miller, 1623 Iowa St. (residence same address) – manufacturer of cigars