Charles E. Howar Cigar Co.
Charles E. Howar Cigar Co.
203 High Avenue West, Oskaloosa, Iowa.
Factory No. 205, 4th district of Iowa
Charles Howar manufactured cigars in Oskaloosa from 1888 to 1910.
1892 – thirteen people employed producing 35,000 cigars a month
1897 - C. E. Howar, two factories: factory No. 57 for manufacture of smoking tobacco; Factory No. 205 for cigar manufacturing. Seven men are employed.
1900 – employed 15 people.
After 22 years under one management, the Howar Cigar Factory was sold to Frank E. Nowels Co. in January of 1910.
Brands of cigars manufactured: Wild Cat, Gold Medal, Supreme Judge
Born September 6, 1865
Died June 4, 1911
1900 cigar manufacturer
Oskaloosa Herald, July 11, 1900
Oskaloosa Herald, June 8, 1911
Oskaloosa Evening Herald, December 15, 1897
Oskaloosa Herald, February 12, 1897
The union label on the front of this cigar box dates it from 1908 to 1912. The pasted-on paper "notice" is before 1910. Therefore, we can be fairly certain that this cigar box was made in 1908 or 1909.
Gold Medal brand of cigars manufactured by the Charles E. Howar Cigar Co. Circa 1898.