Jacob Schulz
Jacob Schulz
Cigar Manufacturer from 1896 – 1921.
Born in Germany on August 12, 1855
Died on November 28, 1921 aged 66
Wife: Minnie (Wilhelmina) Fuchs
Jacob Schulz was a member of the N.W. Davenport German Singing Society (March 22, 1896). Peter N. Jacobsen also a member of singing society.
Schulz was also a member of the Northwest Davenport Liedertafel, an association for social, benevolent and charitable purposes. The object of the association was to strengthen the ties of friendship, to promote sociability among its member, and the cultivation of the human voice and musical talent of its members.
Jacob Schulz was on the finance committee of the Cigar Makers Union No. 172. (June 11, 1894)
1888 cigar maker for Franz J. Raible
1890 cigar maker for Bruegge & Hanssen
1892 cigar maker for Ferd. Haak Cigar Co.
1894 cigar maker for Raible & Sauerberg cigar factory
1896 – 1913 Jacob Schulz, 1310 W. 8th St. (residence same address) – (Wife Wilhelmina) – cigar manufacturer
1914 – 1919 Jacob P. Schulz, 522 Gaines, cigar manufacturer
1920 – 1921 Jacob Schulz, 1024 W. 5th St. – cigar maker

Jacob Schulz family. Wilhelmina - front row left; Jacob Schulz - front row right. Picture taken May 1909