C. F. Hanssen Cigar Co.
C. F. Hanssen Cigar Co.
517 W. Third St., Davenport, Iowa
(factory No. 44, 4th District)
(1893) factory 44, 4th district of Iowa
Claus F. Hanssen started a cigar factory in Davenport in 1878 and manufactured cigars for 47 years until he died in 1925. Claus was born in Germany in 1849. He immigrated to the U.S. in 1866. Wife’s name was Maria Moenck.
Born in Germany October 12, 1848
Died October 1925
Claus Hanssen started manufacturing cigars in a small shop in 1878. He was in partnership with John Bruegge in a cigar factory from 1880 until 1891 when he went into business for himself. His cigar factory was at 417 W. Fourth St. In 1923, he built his own building at 517 W. Third Street.
Brands of Cigars Manufactured: C. F. H. brand – made of Zimmer Spanish Filler, not flavored.; Lo Mejor brand.

1892 advertisement in the Davenport City Directory.